mystic messenger what are the hearts for

The Mystic Messenger by Joe Vitale describes itself as a "trance-inducing" novel and that's about all they have to say on the subject. I guess they didn't expect the mass market appeal, as it's one of the best selling books of all time. In fact, The Mystic Messenger has sold so many copies it is hard to imagine it's going out of print any time soon. It is a quick read with some very deep and meaningful lessons to learn.

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Jake Lewis is called back from college to active service in the military, where he wants to pursue a spiritual path that will lead him to enlightenment. He joins the ranks of the OSS and travels to Japan to find out why his heart was put into service to begin with. He experiences an odd sort of retrieval, but soon learns it was because the Russian ambassador wanted to know more about America's involvement in World War II. Things don't go so well from there.


Jake is soon returned to America and now he has to live a double life. While serving in the military, he has been called back to Washington D.C. to help round up Russian spies who escaped from prison. These spies pose a serious threat to the United States and their well being. They aren't going to be long easy. What are the hearts for, though, if this operation fails?

What Are the Hearts for, A Book by Jake O'Brien


As you know from the title, what are the hearts for is a fast-paced spy story that takes place in the pages of this book. It also contains a great deal of character development. The action is very intense and the characters believable. At times I thought the descriptions were a little too vivid. However, that's nitpicking.


Jake Lewis finds himself in a place of high danger, as he is ordered back into service. Once in the field he must decide what his next course of action will be. Will he go back to the United States or save his life and try to make a life for himself in a new country? What are the hearts for, though, if his choice is to protect his life?


Our main character, Jake Lewis, is a former NSA employee turned private investigator. Now he wants to start his own business and follow his dreams. He meets an interesting woman in his travels and decides he would like to marry her. This doesn't go over so well however as her death is announced the next day.


Jake's friend Chuck comes to his aid and the adventure of what are the hearts for really begins. The circumstances that unfold as a result of this action leave the reader spellbound. They are seized with a sense of urgency as something must be done. Something has to be done before something terrible happens and destroys everything they once considered happy. It's not a happy ending by any means but it's a very satisfying ending.


I'm sure other people feel the same way about their mystic messenger love affairs. So, why not have a look and see for yourself? Find out what are the hearts for through the eyes of a real life mystic. It's easy to put words to the emotions the characters display in this book. It's one of those rare times where a book makes you stop and think about what you're reading and what it could mean to you.


Jake has a very difficult time dealing with the breakup. He knows he made a mistake in leaving his girl behind and yet he can't seem to move on. What are the hearts for is another book by the same author that deals with the same issue. It's a heartache book.


The next in the series is called Heart Dance. A very intriguing book by the same author. A young woman has just come from a very bad relationship and is trying to find happiness again. Everything she has tried to do has been unsuccessful. She wants to meet the man she has fallen in love with but all he will answer is that he has no interest in her.


The series is what are the hearts for and has become one of the best selling books in history. Jake O'Brien gives us a glimpse into the inner lives of others. We are introduced to many interesting characters and learn why they choose the things they do. This book is more than a romance book as it teaches you about life and love. The main theme is the importance of unconditional love. The life you live is what you make it.

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